Detail of the event
Lecture:“Para sports & Inclusive Sosiety ~ Initiatives of the Netherlands ~”
Date | Saturday, 17 November 2019 |
Venue | Tokyo Midtown Conference |
On Sunday, 17 November, 2019, JNS held the lecture by Ms. Rita van Driel at Tokyo Midtown Conference. Ms. Rita van Driel, board member of IOC, talked about the “GAME CHANGER” project, which she has been involved to work together with three municipalities in Tokyo to realize inclusive society through para sports. Mr. Gert-Jan Schep, para athlete and Ms. Heleen Moes, para sports coach, also joined us to share their valuable experiences. 45 attendees listened attentively to their presentations and the Q & A time was also active. Many of the attendees enjoyed discussions with lecturers during the following tea time, too.